Friday, May 16, 2008

I May be Losing my Sanity, but I Still have my Vanity!

I had my follow-up with my OB today and for some CRAZY reason, I've already lost 30 of the 35 lb. that I gained!!! :) Boy, did this make me happy.

Another rough night in the "G" house last night. I was sooooo beyond exhausted that when Jeff got home from work, I had the front door open, upset baby in arms & sitting on the stairs waiting for the hand-off. Sara was soooo upset that Jeff took her upstairs so I could get some sleep. Little did he know that HE wouldn't get any! She was beyond consoling from 10-3 am!!! I finally took over both of them about 4 & poor Jeff only slept for 3 hrs. then had to go to work. The Night Nanny said she thinks she may also have Reflux but I don't want to automatically put her on meds just cuz she had one bad night. She'd been doing so great for about a week. We'll see what's in store this weekend.

As for Siena, she did have a little issue today. While I was burping her, I noticed she was perfectly still & didn't look like she was breathing. Just as I questioned it, her alarm went off & I patted her back & she took a breath & the alarm stopped. Fortunately, I had been watching her so it wasn't too terrifying, but still a scary thing to see your daughter go through. I cannot wait til she outgrows this!!!!!

The girls both had their 1st real bath today. Both hated it!! Hopefully that'll change. It tired them out so much,they crashed.

Me and my Girls.


Kyrstyn said...

Both of my girls used to hate baths, and now it is the highlight of their day! I got a little space heater and put it next to them when I would take them out, also I would put their towels in the dryer to warm them up and they seemed to like that as well. I hope you have a good weekend!

Just the Sous Chef said...

L and E both hated the bath at first, soon though they will love it!!! I just kept telling E that every night until she did. LOL! Congrats on cancer-free for 2 years, WOOHOO!!! And to have two darling girls to celebrate with, you are blessed ... twice!!! :)

I hope you both can catch up on some sleep this weekend. I love both bath pics, they are SO CUTE!!!
