Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Amazing What a New Day Can Do

Last night was rough & fortunately my melt-down has passed. Grandma happily helped all day today so I could get some things done around the house. Sorry for the repetition but..... I don't know what I'd do without her!!

Sara & I were not getting along last night. All she wanted to do was cry when she was awake & when it was feeding time, all she wanted to do was sleep. (This went on til 12:30am) This is seriously what she did while I was upset with her.

Too funny! She already reminds me of me as a teenager. We can tell this one's gonna be trouble- already nicknamed the Drama Queen.

Grandpa came over yesterday to hold Siena- he hadn't since she was sent to the NICU. (Notice the matching hairline?? lol)

She's doing great, by the way. Our little peanut is really starting to fill out- she has a double chin, little chubby cheeks & starting to get some thighs! We got a call from CHOC & they're sending out a complimentary nurse to check on their former patient. Very nice. She's gonna bring a scale so we can see how much the girls are (they don't go back to their Pedi for 5 weeks). Very curious to see how we've been doing tryin to pack on the pounds (or the ounces. haha).

Having a very nice (quiet) time tonight. On my laptop upstairs, watching the American Idol finale with a glass of wine and a Night Nanny on the way! :)

1 comment:

Kyrstyn said...

Wow, she is already giving you the finger?!?! You are in TROUBLE!! I hope your nights get better soon, I can promise you that they do. I cant even begin to tell you how many breakdowns I had when the girls were that age...its just par for the course. You are doing a great job!