Sunday, June 29, 2008

Happy 2 Month Birthday S & S!!

So, last week Erin & I had a great time in San Diego. We shopped, had Mai Tai's @ a Tiki Bar, then to the top of the Marriott where you could watch the Padre game going on. It was torture not being able to eat. We even went to my favorite restaurant 'Confidential' & I watched Erin eat my favorite 'Deconstructed Pizza'. YUM!! But we had a great time, as always!! And it was nice to be distracted......

Sara had a fun slumber party @ Grandma & Grandpa's. My Dad found the two napping together & actually thought to take pictures. Too sweet.

Being near the girls but not being able to hold them was so hard, but I ate them up when I got home from my Body Scan Friday morn. And then I went & really ate!! My Mom & Dad watched the girls so Jeff & I could go to lunch. We went to 'The Hat' for yummy pastrami & onion rings. My tummy wasn't too happy after, but it was worth it. That night my family came over for margies, Mexican food & poker. The girls were so good- it's so nice to know we can still have our fun nights even dealing with Twinfants!!

The girls went to their 1st party this weekend!! Janet's daughter Chantelle graduated from UCSB and she threw a big party for her. I'm so proud of Channy- she's smart, self confident, totally laid-back, fun & a free sprit. We felt privileged being invited to this family only event. I'll post more pics as soon as I get them, but here's a couple. The girls looked adorable in their fancy dresses (if I do say so myself). Nice to see them in something other than a onesie!!
In Auntie Janet's arms. The both LOVE her! She's very calming to them.

Wednesday is a big day: my test results, S&S's 2 month Dr. appt & shots and the most exciting??? Siena's (hopefully) final Dr. appt with CHOC. I can't wait to hear them tell us no more monitor.........

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I Guess Trees Aren't the Best Shade??

We went to the lake today for our 1st family picnic & we burnt our babies!!! lol Apparently, the sunlight came through the trees & they now have very rosy cheeks! (Kinda cute. Please don't report us to Child Protective Services.) It was a gorgeous day & we had the most relaxing time. We were there for about 3 hrs. & they didn't cry once! (Maybe they like the fresh air & something to look at other than their boring living room??) It's funny having twins- I had heard from other twin Mom's that they're spectacles & it's so true. At least 10 different people stopped to say "How cute!" or "How old are they?", etc... Jeff starts his new job on Tues. so we may have another picnic before then. (But this time, REAL food!!!)


Sara, kickin it with Daddy's hat.

Our Pink Cheeked Girls

So, since I'm not allowed to hold the girls for 48 hrs., :( I'm gonna go have some Girls Fun! (I'm gonna miss them like crazy!) My friend Erin & I are going to stay in San Diego's Gaslamp District for the night. It'll be really hard to not be able to eat anything other than what I bring in my purse, but this suck-y diet doesn't say anything about Mojitos!!! :)

So, it's kinda scary knowing I'm going to the Nuclear Medicine Lab tomorrow morning for my pill. I realized I've been concentrating more on the diet cuz I'm scared of the reality of it all. I just can't have cancer again. I just can't......

Sunday, June 22, 2008

3-4 Hours of Straight Sleep???? Yeah!

The girls are sleeping great at night. (Knock on wood.) We feed them every 3 hrs during the day & now at night we're trying to push it to 4hrs. for one feeding & 5 hrs. the other. So far, it's worked pretty good & we're all getting some good sleep!! We can't wait til they sleep through the night tho!!! :)

Sara finding a new way to sleep in her Boppy- horizonal! (And using her bunny as a footrest.)

Siena sleeping through her tummy time. (She's suppose to be exercising her neck & arms.)

Only 4 More Days on the Hellish Diet!! Okay, it could be a lot worse, but the no dairy hurts. What am I most craving?? My weekly Starbucks Caramel Macchiato & my almost daily bowls of cereal. And, of course, cheese. I've been OD'ing on (and getting quite sick of) my home-made granola. I've also had lots of rice cakes w/ peanut butter & jelly or honey, nuts, fruits & veges and some chicken & beef. I'm already dreaming about what all I'm gonna eat starting Friday am!! lol So, lots of Dr. appts. this week- tomorrow & Tues. I go in for injections, Wed. I get the radioactive iodine pill & Fri. is my body scan. So, hopefully this will all be worth it & I'll find out I'm still cancer-free. :) So, anybody reading...... please pray for me!!

Oh! Jeff got another Contract Job for 6 weeks, with the option to leave if he finds something permanent in the meantime. So that's a huge relief. He goes back July 1st, so it's nice that he's able to be around & help during this tough week. I'm so lucky to have him- in so many ways.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

What a Wonderful Day!!!

Today was Siena's big day @ the Dr. We took her to CHOC & met with a Neonatologist, a nurse, a nutritionist & a social worker. They downloaded her monitor & much to our surprise, it turns out that she's actually only had one episode!!!! And it was only 4 days after she came home from the hospital. All of the others ones were false alarms or "normal" occurances. We are sooooo happy about this. So we stopped giving her her meds today & they'll check her monitor again in 3 weeks. If still no more episodes, she's off the monitor!! :) It'll be so nice to not have her connected to wires, etc... I can't wait to be able to just pick her up & carry her anywhere. OH!! I almost forgot- she now weighs 8 lbs. 7 oz!!! She also grew 3 inches, which we found hard to believe, but we saw them measure her. Here's a couple pics to show just how far she's come:

1 week old & about 4 lbs. 5 oz.

7 weeks old & 8 lbs. 7 oz. (and already talkin on the phone! haha)

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy 1st Fathers Day Baby!!

I've always had a hard time getting gifts for Jeff. He either never wants/needs anything or what he does want is way too expensive. So, what more could a new Dad of twinfants want for his 1st Fathers Day? How bout a day free of feeding, changing, crying babies?? Well, that's what I got him. I called his good buddy Marc & asked him to get a tee time & take him golfing. So next Saturday he's got the day off. Today was pretty mellow- we all slept in, he went for a run on the beach & to initiate him into his 1st Father's Day, Sara barfed all over him. LOL

This picture is no reflection of how much they love their Daddy. haha

A Father's Fav's: his girl, his beer & his remote.

And to the other Best Father Ever?? Happy Father's Day, Dad!! I'm sure you're having a fabulous time in Yosemite with your buddies. Have a margie for me! I love you!!!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

How Can the Scale Say One Thing & My Body Say Another?!

I got a great treat today. Compliments of the Best Mom Ever.... I went & got a Mani/Pedi!!! It was soooo nice. I got a 15 minute shoulder/neck massage too that was fabulous & well needed. Then, I had my final appt. with my OB. Even tho she was an hour late, it was so nice to sit in quiet & read a magazine. I soooo miss reading my magazines- something I haven't done in how long? I'd say 6 weeks! lol So, besides the fact that I've healed really well & am cleared for working out, etc.... I'm back to the weight I started at!! Yeah!! I love what the scale says, but my body definitely says something different. Let's just see if I can find any time to start working it out......

What else did we do this week? Mom & I took the girls for their 1st trip to the mall & they were so good. Of course- they're future shoppers! :) The only other things on my mind are my thyroid procedure in 2 weeks and starting tomorrow, my Low-Iodine-Diet-From-Hell AND Jeff's contract job coming to an end. He's got lots of recruiters looking for him & his resume out at a few places so hopefully some smart company will hire my super intelligent, talented, hard working hubby. Everyone keep us in your prayers if you would. In the meantime, I'm gonna enjoy having Daddy around to help with the girls. (And Grandma can get a break too, even tho she loves seeing them & helping.)

Here's some cute pics for y'all to check out:

Need I say more?!
Siena- My Peanut's not such a peanut anymore!

Sara the Siren smiling- in her sleep, of course. We're praying she'll do it sometime while awake. lol

The girls saying to me "STOP TAKING OUR PICTURE!!"

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Happy (Almost) Father's Day!!!

Since my Dad's gonna be out of town next weekend, we celebrated today. And since I went on bedrest in Jan., I don't think we've had one of our real family get togethers since X-Mas. It was SUCH a nice day celebrating the Dad's. Siena got to go to Grandma & Grandpa's for the 1st time too!! The boys were lovin on the girls & we even caught Jake reading a book to them & showing them the pictures- so sweet. Josh asked if he could touch the girls with more than 2 fingers & when Grandma said yes, he touch them with 3. It was so funny. And get this: the other day Jake was at Target w/ his Mom & saw a couple pairs of baby girl shoes & asked if he could get them for the girls. They're adorable, aren't they? I'm beyond blessed to be a part of this family.

The more Siena gains, the more she's looking like her chubby-cheeked sister!

3 Generations of Women. I wish Grandma could be in this pic with us!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Our 1st Slumber Party was a Success!!

We had such a great time up @ Janet's. Wine, cheese & crackers, salami, good friends.... and good babies!!! They really were on their best behavior. Karissa was such a natural & jumped right in & helped. She said she can't wait to be a Mom, but considering she's only 16, we're happy she will wait! lol It's funny- Janet & I have been friends since Karissa was in her belly! It's crazy to both of us that we're such close friends & I just had my girls & she has one 16 & the other graduating from college!! If my girls turn out anything like hers, I'm doing a good job. :)

And Jeff had a great night to himself! He went to Javiers with his buddy Scott for dinner & a few beers. He then slept about 8 solid hours- something we haven't done in a while! lol He admitted although he had a nice night, he "missed all his girls." :)

Thursday, June 5, 2008

It's Been Great Having So Many Visitors!

Some people say it's "too much" with all the people that come over to meet the new arrival/s. But I love it! For one, it's so nice to see friends. Two, it's another set of hands!! haha

My new friend Kyrstyn (who I met online on a Twin site) came up to visit with her 8 month olds, Kylee & Kaylyn. They are precious!!! They've had a rough road (born @ 28 weeks) and it's sooo good to see how well they're doing. Kyrstyn keeps reminding me that "it DOES get easier". Once again, I marvel at how great of a Mom she is & how much I admire all that she does (her hubby is a Paramedic & gone A LOT!). We're both so mad we didn't get a picture of the 4 twins!! Here's her cuties:

I've even ventured out on my own w/the girls a few times & boy, is it a challenge, but it was worth it. We had b-fast with Erin & her pups and another day met TK & her adorable E&L. We walked around the Spectrum, got coffee, went to the pet store, etc... It was soooo nice to get outside & the girls behaved really well both times. :)

Tomorrow night we're having a BIG adventure! Janet, one of my closest friends, came up with a crazy idea but I'm takin her up on it! She came over the other day for a visit & offered for me to bring the girls up to her house & we could have a Girls Night. Jeff was there & his eyes lit up like a X-Mas tree! A night to himself?? Needless to say, he highly encourage me to go. ;) Janet's 16 yr. old daughter Karissa, who I'm really close to, will be there also & is so excited to finally meet S&S. Janet & I have been saving a special bottle of wine for about a year & are excited to share it. I have to admit I'm a little worried as to how it's gonna go cuz the girls have both been pretty fussy the past week. A delayed finished blog below.....

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I'm soooo behind on my Blog! (And everything else!)

Okay, what can I write real quick to sum up the past week before the "little beasts" wake up again? (Term borrowed from fellow twin Mom. haha) My Mom & our adventure to get professional pics done was quite the experience, although her version of our day is a little different than mine. lol I had high hopes that we would get the perfect pics. So sue me- 3 years of Photo Class & endless years of loving taking pictures, I was unrealistic. Mom says I expected my 4 week olds to smile & pose. LOL Not quite- I just hoped they would either both be asleep or both awake. Yah right. Surprisingly, Sara the Siren (one of her many nicknames- this one due to her very loud siren-like cries), was such a good girl. Siena slept through the 1st half & after being tossed around into different poses, she woke up & cried endlessly thru the last half. I'm not thrilled with any of the shots of them together but I think the solo ones are adorable. What do you think?? Here are my fav's.



My Girls Night/Sex & the City last Fri. was so fun. I've never seen so many women in my life. I loved seeing all these women come together to support women. And the movie was fabulous- I laughed a ton & cried just as much. (I don't think it was just my hormones cuz everyone else said they cried too.) I am sooooo lucky to be blessed with so many amazing women as friends. XOXO

Unfortunately, Siena had another episode Saturday night. We hadn't seen one like this since she's been home & it really scared us. All her other spells were during feedings & were just low heartrates. (We think she just takes in so much that she forgets to breathe for a second.) This time it wasn't anywhere near a feeding, the alarm rang & Jeff could clearly see she wasn't breathing. A pat on the back was all she needed but we thought she had outgrown this. :( We were hoping to get rid of her monitor when she goes to see the CHOC Dr's in 2 weeks but now are worried. We'll see what the Dr's say at her CHOC visit in 2 weeks......