Thursday, May 8, 2008

Got Milk??

My sweet friend JF captured this cute pic of Siena while we were visiting her. I have such great friends! SB came over to watch Sara, while JF took me to the Dr. (I have a horrible rash from the tape & iodine they used for my surgery. UGH!) We then went to see Siena & watched her get her hearing test done- she passed!! :)

I'm bummed to report that Siena had another episode last night that she did not "self-resolve" from this time. She started to turn a little "musky" & so the nurse had to help her levels go back up. She hasn't done this since Sunday so it's pretty dissapointing. The nurses were acting like she was on her way home- the CPR class yesterday, carseat inspection, etc... I think she's telling us she's not quite ready yet. We're waiting for her test results that she had last night- a 12 hr. test called a Pneumogram. It's an overnight recording of her breathing effort, heart rate, oxygen level and air flow to the lungs as she sleeps.

Daddy went back to work today- hopefully he'll find something permanent soon or can stay on his contract job for a while longer. This is not the right time for us to be unemployed!!! We worked in shifts last nights so we could each get some sleep & it seemed to work well. Sara's been sleeping well since we put her in her carseat after she eats. (Knock on wood!)

We also had visitors from Auntie EG who brought me lunch (and Jeff a cookie! lol) and Auntie LG who brought us a yummy dinner & lots of cookies!! Thanks so much everyone for all your help. Especially Grandma!!! XOXO

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