Sunday, September 13, 2009

What was in those Potato Skins??!!

The girls were being sooo funny the other night! I have no idea what got into them (especially Sara!) because we all ate those potato skins, but it was hilarious to watch.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Sweet Sixteen

16 months.... Wow.... Every month that goes by, I'm amazed by how big the girls are getting. I've just realized in the past few weeks that they're not babies anymore- they're little girls!! Despite it being a difficult time (into everything, in all different directions, don't have many words so it's frustrating trying to communicate), it's also the BEST time! They're so fun to watch & it's amazing how much they can understand. They love making us laugh & are so silly & fun to be around. Here's a few pics from the last month.

LOVE this pic at the M.V. Lake

Smiley Siena could light up a room.

Sara & on our 1-on-1 date. She had her 1st Happy Meal at McD's & loved it!

Sara meeting her new friend, baby CK. It was so cute how they were just staring at eachother. Congrats K Family!!!!

The girls have started giving eachother kisses without even being prompted. It melts my heart. (Of course I had to ask for this one so I could get a picture of it!!)