Monday, September 1, 2008

Happy 4 Month Birthday Girls!!

I'll probably say this every month, so forgive me, but I cannot believe how fast time is flying. The girls are 4 months old & summer is pretty much over??!! Doesn't seem real. Whenever I've seen babies in the past, I've always said that 4-6 months is my favorite age. Now that I have my own? So true! The girls have starting "talking" a bunch, are smiling all the time & often giggling as well. There's times that I'm about to tear my hair out & then one of them will smile their big toothless grin & all is well. :-) It's so funny how people are so enamoured of twins. Everywhere I go, from the grocery store to WalMart, people are always Oooing & Awwing. And everyone thinks they're identical. I guess since I see them constantly, I didn't really notice, but when I look at the below picture, I can. (Maybe it's just those big chubby cheeks! lol)

Siena & Sara

Such a nice 3 day weekend. Our dear friends Darren & Tanya came over for a visit on their way out of town. (Kauai!! So jealous!) We hadn't met their son adorable Noah yet & they hadn't met the girls. So cute seeing them all together. We kept teasing Jeff that one of the girls was gonna be his girlfriend. (He didn't find this funny. haha) We actually got a decent pic right off the bat!

Saturday night we got to use my fabulous birthday gift! My sweet brother gave me a giftcard for Macaroni Grill AND his babysitting services!! It was so nice. On Sunday, I scarily attempted to take the girls with me to the Swap Meet. But just as I continue to learn, they are SUCH good babies!! People think I'm insane to take them everywhere, but how could I possibly stay inside all the time?! We had the family over for a BBQ that night & as always, had a great time. I'm a lucky girl........

BTW, all of you out there reading this, make a comment!!! I'm so grateful that you're reading my blogs & I would love to hear what you're thinking!! Not to mention that since this is my "journal", I'd love you all in it. ;-)


Just the Sous Chef said...

what a darling pic and their son is a cutie! they might have to fight over from Estelle too. :)

And yes, time is flying. I can not believe your beauties are already 4months, in no time at all our girls are going to be running around and playing together - it is so bittersweet watching them grow. You say good-bye to one thing but have new things to look forward to as well.


Anonymous said...

Four months....
I am so proud of the Mommy you to those miracle girls of yours...
They do look so much alike is these pictures.. beauties like their Mommy! xoxo Michelle