Monday, October 27, 2008

We've had a big past couple weeks. Well, big for a household with 2 babies. Sara got her 2 bottom teeth! Funny cuz she got them exactly 1 day after I got mine. She also has been blowing raspberries. Not cute when she does it after I've given her pureed squash! lol She's also an official thumb sucker. It's cute how she curls her fingers around her nose. She'll no longer take a pacifier (Yeah!) & can sooth herself (almost all the time!) Although she has her moments, our Sara the Siren is a really good baby.

Siena- she's finally rolling over, but different from her sister & going from her stomach to her back (probably cuz she always hated being on her belly!) She's getting stronger every day & it's so great to see. We're now only going to Physical Therapy every other week & I'm excited for her to graduate. :-) She's a big smiler & giggles when I tickle her & chew on her chubby thighs. She has such a sweet sense about her. And I adore looking into her gorgeous eyes. (You should see her lashes!)

I cannot believe they'll be 6 months old on Wed!!! (I can't wait to see how much my little Chunky Monkeys weigh!!) More then. Here's a some pics:

Sara- My Dad & bro are lovin her in her tee (even tho they choked in the playoffs)

Grandma fixed up her mohawk.

Siena- Here's Grandma playin dress-up again. Below pic too.

I've also been meaning to attach some short videos. Who doesn't love a baby giggling? Times 2! (Sara's the 1st one.)


Just the Sous Chef said...

ADORABLE .... love all the dress up pics!!! Looking forward to seeing those girls very soon! XXOO

Diana said...

I love the giggling!

Anonymous said...

Don't ever forget that beautiful sound of your baby girls laughing.. such a gift and the pics are all just precious!
xo Michelle