Thursday, October 9, 2008

Happy Birthday Baby!!!

It was Jeff's birthday yesterday so I somehow found the time to make his favorites- lasagna & white cake w/white frosting. (Lucky for me, they're my favorites too!) And the girls' cooperated by eating their dinner & going to bed @ 7:30 so we could enjoy dinner (and wine!!) together. I also had my very talented, sweet friend TK take some pictures for us. Boy, is it hard to get 2 babies to smile, let alone both look at the camera at the same time. Here are the best we got:

I took this one of them in their outfits for Daddy's b-day. I thought the looks on their faces were funny. Sometimes it looks like their eyes, espec. Siena (on the right), are gonna pop outta their heads! lol Don't they look alike here??

And the most exciting news? Our dear friends K&J finally welcomed sweet Baby Eden into the world last Wed., October 1st. Tons of people have been praying for her & we're so glad she's here safe & sound. I was so excited to go to see her and bring her a TON of the girls' old stuff. :-) I couldn't believe how little she seemed & how quickly I forgot that my girls were even smaller!Here she is with her proud Momma & her new friends, Sara & Siena!!

Doesn't it look like my babies belong to her & hers to me?? haha

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are amazing.. you cook, clean.. take care of the hubby.. kiddos and still have time to update your blog in such a creative way.! I am so proud of you!
xoxo M
and soooo happy for KM too! xoxo