Saturday, April 11, 2009

One Step at a Time

It's been a big week. Both Sara and Siena have taken their 1st steps! I'm so proud they both did it before their 1st birthday. Jeff & I were talking today about how fast this year has flown. We said "Remember when they used to just lay there like blobs??" haha Not anymore!! I actually got a teeny bit on video so here they are.

Siena did it 1st. YEAH!!! This makes us so happy.

And now Sara... Only 3 days later.

It's so cute seeing them stand without holding on to anything. Of course it's only for seconds, but exciting nonetheless. Here's some pics:



And last, my incredibly generous friend Kyrstyn gave the girls this push toy & they love it! (And I love it cuz it provides entertainment!!)

Align CenterSara


Here's Sara trying to push Siena on it.

Wishing you all a very Happy Easter from our family to yours. Xoxo


Mom said...

What a BIG week this was!! Both girls - imagine! Sara can't let Siena get anything over on her, huh? What a Happy Easter!

Just the Sous Chef said...

WOW Kristin, they are both taking off and you thought you were busy now, LOL!?! These are all adorable ... and look at that, Sara even has a clippie in her hair now! Yeah! :-) Happy Easter to our new walkers! Can't wait to see them toddle around at their 1st birthday party. :-)

Anonymous said...

Soooo Adorable.. I am soo proud of them too! Great pics and video's... as Tracy said.. you think you were busy now! LOL! You will be... but the fun outweighs the craziness! Woo hoo!
Love you girls! Love, The Wood's

Kyrstyn said...

Great pics and videos as always!! Yay Sara and Siena!! It must be those pants! I got the first videos of my girls walking in them as well! ;) I can't wait to see you next week for the girls party!!