See blog below 1st since I didn't post til today.
Hope everyone had a great weekend! We, on the other hand, had another eventful one (insert sarcasm)! Friday night started having contractions every 5-12 min. for 4 hrs. I took 3 of my pills to slow them down, but they weren't working so back to the ER!! They gave me an injection and monitored me til they slowed down and we were released at 3:30am. Since then, things have been better, knock on wood. (Despite I'm now sick with a cold. Ugh.)
This morning I had an appt. with my Perinatologist, Dr. P., whom I love! Once again, (Thank God), my cervix hasn't changed. She looked the girls over, took measurements etc, and everything looked good. From their last check-up 4 weeks ago, Baby B has grown from 1.1 to 2.2 lbs!! Baby A only grew from 15 oz. to 1 lb. 12 oz. Dr. P said she isn't worried cuz she's still within the normal range but does want to check her again in 2 weeks. I have to admit, I am a
little worried about her, but happy she is being monitored so closely. I will continue with bedrest until 34 weeks (56 days!!). Thank you so much to everyone for the phone calls, e-mails and lunch and dinner visits. It really means so much to both J & I.
I'm SOOOO excited for my Baby shower this weekend! It'll be so great to get out of the house and be around friends. I feel so special to have so many people that love us and want to celebrate Sara and Siena's safe arrival. :)
Oh! Here's their latest photo shoot. Their too big for body shots but you at least see their upper body.