I'm FINALLY posting pics from Christmas-time.
It was SUCH a special, fun time. Seeing Christmas through the girls' eyes was soooo much fun! It was a wonderful couple of days with great weather (as usual), tho a bit chilly on our annual walk. We are so blessed that we're able to have both of our families together.
Siena gazing lovingly @ her gingerbread house. (I'm SURE she wanted to eat the whole thing!)
Aunt Cherie teaching Siena how to "Shhhh".
Our family (minus Scott & the boys)
The girls put out cookies & milk for Santa & a carrot for Rudolph
Having fun opening all their presents.
Siena so excited she got 'Dumbo'.
One of my favorite meals of the year... Christmas breakfast
Sara admiring her new Snow White dress
The girls wearing their new Princess dresses on their new pink tricycles!!