Thursday, March 25, 2010

Little Ladies

How much do I LOVE being a Mom to girls?? ♥ We played dress up today (thanks to my dear friend LG) and S&S loved playing with their new shoes & tutus. Siena especially. Sara was having fun putting the shoes in & out of the box. hee hee It was so cute watching them try to balance on heels. Start 'em young, right??? ;-) Here they are:


De Graaf & Gravinnen said...

They are just the cutest little princesses! Haha, those shoes!

Just the Sous Chef said...

How fun is that!!? And I must say, being a Mommy to girls is soooooooooooooooo much fun. I painted E's nails yesterday - I think I had more fun then her!!! :-) The girls are darling!!

Mom said...

I L O V E those shoes! I can just picture Sara liking to put them in and take them out of the box. So cute!

Kyrstyn said...

Those shoes are a huge hit here as well!! Gotta love our little pricesses! ♥