Thursday, July 30, 2009

Getting Into EVERYTHING....including the doggie door

So, they're always following me around & whenever I go into the garage, they get upset. Well, they finally figured out how to get out there. I had to take pics. (Just because these pics are of Siena doesn't mean that Sara wasn't in on the action too! lol)

Also, I have to post this video. The girls were suppose to be napping the other day but here is what went on instead. They're too funny.


Diana said...

OMG. Why are they so cute?! They are just little comedians :) Did they end up napping? lol!

KGplus3 said...

They did! They went right to sleep after that! lol (But the day before they didn't nap AT ALL! Never happened before.)

Mom said...

OMG that is the cutest thing ever! I didn't think you'd written on your blog again so soon, so when I was reading Kyrstyn's, I happened to see the rear end of Siena going out the doggy door. They just warm my heart. It seems so long since I've seen them, and it's only been 8 days. What's with that??????!!!

Anonymous said...

Love those girlies... and Gma G... don't feel bad.. if my Parents don't see the boys for 2 days.. they just show up!! LOL... xoxo

Kristin G said...

just saw the video!! There are 4 pacifiers in Siena's crib!!! Too funny. Very cute! :) Kristin