Friday, May 15, 2009

3 Years Cancer Free!!!

I can't believe it's been that long since my surgery. I was thinking yesterday what a blessing it was after all that I had 3 years of fertility problems. For one, that's how I found out I had cancer. And two, if I hadn't, I wouldn't have these 2 beautiful miracle babies. I had a really good appt. with my Endocrinologist a couple weeks ago. He said the more ultrasounds & blood tests he does, the less worried he is. (I guess he's been so concerned about it returning is because my tumor was really large.) And since everything looked so good, I don't have to do the dreaded diet/body scan til October! :-)

What a blessing it is to have twins. They're getting more & more fun everyday. Sara loves trying to make us laugh. Despite us thinking she was Serious Sara, she's a riot! She'll throw herself on the ground & roll over, then look to make sure you're watching & laughing. She's also walking about 75% of the time & is so proud of herself. Siena loves to giggle & play. She's always squeeling & wanting to climb all over you. Despite a lot of teaching & reading, neither of them are saying more than 2 words & I'm really looking forward for them to be able to articulate what they want/need cuz there's a lot whining! (Trust me, I know the whining won't stop entirely once they can talk. Ask Jeff- I still whine! haha)

We did something different last week. My Mom took Siena for the day while I just had Sara so we could both have one-on-one time. I thought it would be really weird & uncomfortable but I have to say- it was great & so much easier with only 1 baby. lol I didn't have to bring a stroller shopping- just popped her in the cart or carried her. We had such a special day together. Next time, we'll switch & I'll have Siena. :-)

I'm very excited for my parents. They leave this Friday for 3 weeks in Ireland & Scotland!! Having been to both, I know they're gonna have the time of their lives. :-)

Here's a funny video of Sara & Grandma from last week & some pics.

Smiley Siena

Her hair is getting sooo long- I've been having fun with it.

Jeff (aka Mr. Starbucks) cracked up at this pic of Sara. (It was empty, of course.)

Sara showing off how well she can walk.

My big girls don't need everything cut up bite-sized anymore! (Thank Goodness cuz I'm still making a lot of their food!!)


Mom said...

First of all I'm VERY happy for the name of this segment! The pix are adorable, and it is more fun each day with these 2 funny, darling little girls.

Diana said...

Yay for being cancer free! I love that video...adorable. I'm going to have to try having one baby at a time with my mom...great idea! And, I cannot WAIT until my girls can eat bananas like that :)

Just the Sous Chef said...

I am SO HAPPY you are cancer free and SO HAPPY you don't have to do the diet in June as you thought you would!

The girls are adorable as always. Drinking the Starbucks is hilarious. Can not wait to see you girls tomorrow and your walking cuties!

Kyrstyn said...

Yay for being Cancer free!! The girls are as cute as ever and getting so big!! We need to get together soon!!