Thursday, April 2, 2009

It's April Already???

I'll do a much more detailed blog on their 1st birthday as to everything they're doing, but for now? Here's a couple videos & pics from the last few weeks.

A little play time. (Or more like Sara liking Siena's new long hair.)

Supposed nap time

Siena gettin herself into another precarious position

Trying to get a good birthday invite pic. This was almost used cuz it's kinda funny but I just couldn't do it.

I ended up using this in full color, but thought this was pretty cool

My fav pic of the month. They look so cute (and so grown up!)


Kyrstyn said...

So Cute! I especially love the nap video...that happens all to often around here!! They are getting so big!! Miss you guys!

The Trombly's said...

I am de-lurking! :) I met you at Irvine park when we had the twin get-together and you were still pregnant. I had to comment though on how cute the girls are and how big they are getting! So hard to believe they are celebrating their first birthday soon.

Mom said...

Love the nap video, and Sara jumping so excited! The girls in their dresses are so cute, but it makes me sad too, 'cause they are getting big too too fast!

Diana said...

I can't believe how big they're getting! Your fav pic is absolutely adorable...those smiles just melt my heart.

Just the Sous Chef said...

I LOVE that pic of them standiing together ... they do all of a sudden look so grown up and ready for their FIRST BIRTHDAY!!! xxoo

Anonymous said...

The Wood boys and I loved this blog.. we watched the video 3x they wanted all the pictures to "talk".. So cute.. they are getting so big.... Happy 1st bday to the G girls! xoxo Michelle & boys