Friday, January 23, 2009

Gettin Bigger Every Day

It's amazing to watch these little people learn & grow. Sara's zipping around everywhere & pulling up on everything, her favorite thing being me! I would have bet the house that she would never be a Momma's Girl, but lately she is. lol It's sweet but also a little difficult considering I have another baby to deal with. And Siena can now pull herself up to sit, which thrilled us since her sister been able to for a while. I can't wait til they have their Dr. appt next week to see how big they've gotten since 3 mos ago. Here's some pics I've been meaning to post.

Their one & only time bathing together. It's much easier to do one @ a time!

Sara having fun in her crib

I still have no idea how Siena did this. Note her top button is done, but somehow she got that arm out! lol

My little cuties showin off their new bows
Siena cracks me up in this picture
Their 1st trip in the cart- they had so much fun!


Mom said...

They're just the cutest things ever, and I don't think I'm prejudice in the least! :) I especially like the one with Siena's arm sticking out. To be a fly on the wall.........

Anonymous said...

Great pics.. loved your anniver. pics too... I can't believe how big they are.... 1 is just around the corner.. Treasure each moment as I know you always do!
xxo Mich & boys

Just the Sous Chef said...

OH MY ... they are growing up!!! All the pics are sooooooooo cute - can not believe Siena got her arm like that and the two of them in the cart, sooooooooooooo adorable. (One) of the best things about a Costco trip with the kids (& wait until they discover hot dogs and frozen yougart, they really are going to lvoe it, LOL)!!! Can't wait to see you girls today. xxoo