Tuesday, July 8, 2008

6 Days and Counting....

Ever since the Nutritionist gave us the green light to let the girls start sleeping more @ night, they've gone between 6 & 7 hrs. straight all 6 nights!! (Knock on wood.) Boy, does this make us happy. We're even having to wake Sara! Although she's still a little bit Grumpy during the day, I'll take it if she continues to sleep so well @ night! lol It's surprising that Siena doesn't wake a lot earlier cuz she always wants to eat! hee hee She's also one noisy little roommate. She grunts, coos, hiccups, whines, you name it! It would be kinda funny if it wasn't 5:00 am!! ;-)

Siena & Sara- They really look like twins here!!

Watching Daddy hang out with his girls from upstairs

I'm really looking forward to Friday night. We're having a Pre-Reunion Happy Hour get-together. I'm hoping more people show up than my girlfriends I already see all the time! HAHA No offense girls. ;-) Scott & the boys are gonna come watch the girls til Jeff gets home from work. I'm sure Jake is excited to see them & how they've grown since he saw them a few weeks ago.

1 comment:

Kyrstyn said...

Yay for good sleep!!